The differences between the Prohibition against defamation act 1965 in Israel and in the U.S.A

מזהה: 2695
מאמר חם

Introduction :

The Prohibition against defamation act 1965 in Israel is an Act that handels issues that is prohibited to be an arguments in printed media or by web media or that is prohibited by speech in front of anther people.

The act mentioned above[1] includes some protections about defamation, and provides to the person that published an article or opinion or published a post in internet or social media, to be protected from being sued at court, and being judged to pay compensation to the person he had published about him, or to delete the publication and to pay compensation although for this person.[2]

The jurisdiction status in Israel :

In the state of Israel the PAD (Prohibition Against Defamation), 1965, ACT, was presented in the Israeli codex before 52 years ago. This act is being under test cases in courts in Israel for many years, and courts handle with PDA Act in bases of hundreds and thousands of cases every year.

 In a case that was handled by the primary court in Tel – Aviv [3] in 2007, the judge[4] suggested an argument to test if a post or publication were prohibited by the Act, or not.


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לקוח שמעוניין למנוע מכירת עבודה ללקוחות אחרים, יכול לבצע זאת באמצעות הקפאת עבודה לפרק זמן מוגבל. כל מוצר דיגיטלי שנמכר מוקפא מידית ל-48 שעות ללא תשלום. בחלוף 48 שעות, ובמידה ולא רכשת הקפאה נוספת, המוצר הדיגיטלי יהיה זמין לרכישה על ידי משתמשים אחרים, לרבות אפשרויות הקפאה. לכןיש לקחת בחשבון שייתכן שלאחר סיום תקופת ההקפאה, המוצר לא יהיה זמין להקפאה נוספת משום שנרכש על ידי לקוחות אחרים ואף הוקפא על ידם לפרקי זמן ארוכים.

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