Strategies of additivity: German additive noch compared to auch1

מזהה: 7875
מאמר חם

ניתוח המאמר: Strategies of additivity: German additive noch compared to auch1


Summary of Umbach (2012)

Umbach (2012) is a study of the semantics and pragmatics of the German additive element noch, based on a comparison with the German auch.  Additive noch is used in sentences whose meanings involve reference to some entity, where that entity is understood as being referred to in addition to some other entity referred to earlier in the discourse.  

(1)a.  Otto hat noch einen SCHNAPS getrunken.

     b.  Otto hat NOCH einen Schnaps getrunken.


The pair of examples in (1) shows an interesting difference between stressed and unstressed noch.  Namely, while in (1a) the understanding is that drinking of Schnaps was done in addition to the drinking of something else (i.e., not Schnapps), (1b) is understood to imply that the drinking of Schnaps described in this sentence was done in addition to the drinking of another Schnaps at an earlier point in time. 

     One way to explore the semantics and pragmatics of additive noch is through a comparison with another German additive expression, the additive auch.

(2)  Otto hat AUCH einen Schnaps getrunken.

One evident difference between (2) and the example in (1) consists in the fact that, while in (2) the additive is associated with the subject (i.e., Otto in addition to another individual), in (1a,b) association is with the direct object (i.e., a Shcnaps in addition to another drink in [1a] or one  Schnaps in addition to another Schnaps in [1b]). 

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