Maman 15: Your Brain in Meltdown

מזהה: 4382
מאמר חם

Questions based on the title, the words under the title and paragraphs 1 -5

According to the words under the title and paragraph 1, what happens when we experience stress (of any kind)?


Neural circuits shut down, primal impulses go unchecked and mental paralysis sets in.


What is the difference between what scientists thought about stress and what they believe today?


In the past:

Researchers explained that the hypothalamus, an evolutionarily ancient structure lodged at the base of the brain, reacts to stress by triggering the secretion of a wave of hormones from the pituitary and adrenal glands, which makes the heart race, elevates blood pressure and diminishes appetite. Today:

New research demonstrates that acute, uncontrollable stress sets off a series of chemical events that weaken the influence of the prefrontal cortex while strengthening the dominance of older parts of the brain. In essence, it transfers high-level control over thought and emotion from the prefrontal cortex to the hypothalamus and other earlier evolved structures. As the older parts take over, we may find ourselves either consumed by paralyzing anxiety or else subject to impulses that we usually manage to keep in check

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