The EU is a structured policy oriented governmental organization that has made over the last three decades fundamental changes in its mechanism of decision-making and policy generating. Since the Treaty of Lisbon, The EU is working as a united structured force whose aim is to bring peace and become a significant part of the global political arena. One of the important expressions of this shift, is of the increasing understanding in the EU regarding cyberspace, and regarding taking serious actions and policy. The cyber era, is the movement of the virtual space towards an active and evident part of the economic realm, the diplomatic and martial spheres, of individuals, societies and organizations. In this article, I wish to interpret the policy change of security and foreign affairs, since the Treaty of Lisbon, in the cyber space area, while understanding the meaning of that development to the future of the EU, and to the meaning of the cyber era to global diplomatic and security future.
Since the 90's, it is possible to follow a progress and change in the fashion in which the European institutional sphere is organized and has formed into a united entity.