Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science, but also a title for technologies in which global attention and investments considered today as the future potential of countries of gaining advantages in warfare, security, cyber-security as internal affairs. Furthermore, AI has with its abilities, could also create a significant implication in diplomacy and international affairs. By following the work of Frost, Adorno, Laclau, Mouffe and Žižek, this text aim to tackle the possible outcomes of African countries that AI could give them affordable technologies that could gap the agency, financial and military hegemony of the west, but also, to become a true actor in international relations, and to change the depressed discourse of the hegemony on the 'others'. By understanding the meaning of culture to discourse and eventually to diplomacy, and the structure of discourse by 3rd generation discursive theory, it's possible to gain meaning to the potential new dislocation of the west and the acceptance of African language and thinking, towards a possible change to both, a change that could have optimistic or dangerous results.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to a branch in the computer science field, but is perceived more as a technology, or as the accumulations of technologies, aiming to embed a human-like 'thinking' process. 'Thinking', in that sense, includes problem-solving, the ability to learn or to reason, as similar as possible to human rationalizing and mind processes (Columbus, 2017).