The influence of SMS language on the English literacy among youth and adults

מזהה: 4434
מאמר חם

In this paper I will review the effects of the SMS language on the English language grammar skills, acquisition, spelling, reading and formal writing among students and children. SMS language which is also known as 'textese' or 'texting language' is the abbreviated language that is commonly used with mobile phone text messaging or other Internet-based communication such as email and instant messaging.

Three features of early mobile phone messaging encouraged users to use abbreviations:

1.  Text entry was difficult, requiring multiple key presses on a small keypad to generate each letter;

2. Messages were limited to 160 characters

3. It made texting faster.

This paper deals with written language alone and not the spoken language and  I would like to explore the claim that says that texting make great changes in the English language skills and I would like to strengthen the idea that these changes are good and helps students and children to improve their skills. There are positive reviews and there are negative reviews that may lead to some conclusions at this matter.    


Literature review

Modern writing has led to the creation of a new language that was produced by innovative technologies which introduced a new spelling system and informal written text.


Articles review -  Analysis
Summary and conclusions

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